visibility function

美 [ˌvɪzəˈbɪləti ˈfʌŋkʃn]英 [ˌvɪzəˈbɪləti ˈfʌŋkʃn]
  • 网络可见度函数;视见函数;能见度函数
visibility functionvisibility function
  1. Based on the traditional ant colony algorithm , we adjust the evaporation coefficient ρ adaptively , adopt new heuristic rules to define the visibility function η ij ( t ) and update table allowed in a different way .


  2. The integral expression , ( 6 ), of the visibility function , on which the effect of the atmosphere is considered , is derived in this paper .


  3. Analysis of the Phase Terms in the Visibility Function


  4. Research of the coverage performance of satellite constellation using visibility function


  5. GPS visibility function picture and coverage performance are obtained , and coverage quality is evaluated .


  6. According to the principle of visibility function and the method of earth center , numerical simulation approach is built .


  7. In this process , phase errors of the visibility function will sharply degrade the imaging quality .


  8. For the technique treatment , we improve the decaying factor coming from the Fourier transformation of visibility function .


  9. At last , we utilize the some characteristic of the picture and put forward a kind of the second generation watermark algorithm based on noise visibility function .


  10. Visibility function is the sampled value in space frequency field which should be inserted in a symmetrical grid before making Fourier inverse-transformation .


  11. When the scale of the synthetic beam is larger than that of the source distribution , the unsymmetrical parameters induce also the phase term of the visibility function .


  12. This paper presents a watermarking capacity analysis method based on the content of wavelet subbands by using Watson quantization matrix and noise visibility function ( NVF ) .


  13. In the preprocessing stage of secret image , using the noise visibility function to the local characteristics of cover images , using visual quantification to get the preprocessing secret image .


  14. The HVS model is based on the computation of the noise visibility function ( NVF ) and embed at the texture and edge region stronger embedded watermarks .


  15. Secondly , the independent component analysis ( ICA ) and the noise visibility function ( NVF ) are introduced . So a algorithm based on noise visibility function and the independent component analysis of steganography was proposed .


  16. The phase caused by the primary effect of the atmosphere compared with the basic phase of the visibility function is considerable , even though for a shorter base line . This fact results from the use of the phase rotation technique .


  17. A perceptual model based on the computation of NVF ( noise visibility function ) is exploited in the proposed watermarking scheme . The characteristics of the original image are shown by using the NVF , and the embedding depth is decided by the model .


  18. That means that they should include the abstract keyword , optionally a visibility modifier , the function keyword , and an optional list of arguments in parentheses .
